Lincoln Minster School


Careers education, information, advice and guidance

Careers education, information, advice and guidance is more than just choosing a job – it is giving pupils the lifelong skills they need to become effective career managers to take charge of their own future pathways and realise their ambitions.

We recognise how important it is for pupils to understand and appreciate the options available to them and have the confidence and ability to pursue their own realistic pathways. By helping individuals to recognise their strengths and aptitudes, pupils are empowered to make their own well-informed decisions with support from the school and their parents/carers.

We are proud that each year a significantly large number of our students are accepted to their first choice of university, and we are equally proud of those who pursue a different route whether it be on school leaver programmes or apprenticeships. Our overall aim is for each and every pupil to gain knowledge of all of their options, to make informed decisions, and to transition effectively into their next stage of education or training, or into the world of work.

Platinum Career Mark

Our Careers Department has been awarded the National Quality in Careers Standard (Platinum) for its careers education, information, advice and guidance provision and fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Lincoln Minster School Platinum Careers Mark

Our careers programme

Our careers education programme is delivered to all students from Years 7 to 13 and has been developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks. The school holds the Career Mark Quality in Careers Standard confirming outstanding provision of careers education and guidance within the school.

Whilst our careers education programme is structured and progressive it is also very varied and engaging to meet the needs of our pupils and enthuse them about their future options. The programme includes a range of activities and interventions including:

  • Careers lessons as part of the PSHE curriculum
  • Careers tutorials delivered by the Head of Careers
  • Off timetable ‘drop-down days’
  • Guest speakers from industry
  • Assemblies
  • Alumni events
  • Trips to Careers Fairs and Exhibitions
  • Visits to workplaces
  • Mock interviews and assessment centres
  • Competitions
  • 1:1 careers information, advice and guidance interviews
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The Minster Award

We are pleased to be launching our brand-new Minster Award - a skills and personal development framework which will encourage pupils to further their interests, contribute to society and plan for their futures.

Pupils have the opportunity to work towards achieving the Minster Award throughout their time at LMS. There are four levels and pupils can try to achieve them all: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond.

Pupils have a physical Minster Award booklet to record their achievements and monitor their progress towards achieving the award.

Key Stage 3

In Year 9, the programme focuses on students choosing their GCSE options. Pupils are introduced to new subjects that they may not have studied in previous years, for example, Business Studies. Pupils and their families are supported to make effective subject choices through options evenings, access to the GCSE course guide and drop-ins with the Head of Careers.

During Key Stage 3 careers education is delivered as part of the Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE) curriculum. Pupils spend time developing their self-awareness including their personal characteristics, interests, values and skills. They also begin to increase their awareness of opportunities in the world of work and options at 16 and 18. PSHE lessons are supplemented by careers tutorials with the Head of Careers which take place termly. Careers tutorials are designed to explore key careers-related topics in greater depth and introduce pupils to the online careers and destinations platform, Unifrog.

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In keeping with our commitment to provide pupils with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step after school, we have a subscription to Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers platform. All students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 have access to this excellent online resource.

The Unifrog platform is designed to support pupils in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each pupil has their own personal account that provides a wide range of information related to their interests and aspirations. 

Key features of the platform include:

  • Exploring Pathways – personality quizzes, career and subject profiles, MOOCs and webinars
  • Recording – self-reflection about extracurricular activities and key employability skills
  • Opportunities – search tools showing live vacancies/courses/placements for apprenticeships, universities (in the UK and abroad), FE, virtual work experience and much more
  • Applications – tools to help students build applications for a range of pathways (e.g., CVs, Personal Statements, Common App Essays)

Pupils access the platform by clicking a link in their welcome email, where they create a password and can begin using the platform. They login to Unifrog using their school email address and password and they can do so from any computer, tablet or smartphone. We would encourage you to use the platform with your child so you can support them through the process of deciding their next step.

We have also set up a parent login so that you can use Unifrog as if you were a student yourself, allowing you to support your child throughout the process. The sign up code you need is LIMSparents and you can sign up here:

Please contact the Head of Careers Miss Wills if you have any questions relating to Unifrog. 


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Key Stage 4

During Key Stage 4 pupils build on their career related learning through the PSHE curriculum. They also receive termly careers tutorials with the Head of Careers with a particular focus on understanding modern career journeys, exploring the changing world of work and how to make decisions about their own futures. Pupils are encouraged to use the online careers and destinations platform, Unifrog, in lessons and in their own time.

In Year 10, pupils gain an experience of the workplace by undertaking a workplace project designed in collaboration with local employers. They also participate in a Futures Day which includes a speed networking event with a range of representatives from industry, further education, higher education and apprenticeship routes.

In Year 11, all pupils are invited to a 1:1 careers guidance interview in the Michaelmas and Lent terms, to discuss their future aspirations and begin to plan their next steps after school. Pupils also visit a university campus to learn more about Higher Education.

Sixth Form

In the Sixth Form, pupils continue to explore career related learning through the PSHE curriculum. There is a focus on workplace rights and responsibilities and preparing for life beyond school and employment. Pupils also participate in the Life Skills programme through weekly Life Skills lessons. Careers education is a core component, alongside valuable real-world teaching on topics such as First Aid, basic car maintenance, safe driving skills, drug awareness and financial education. Pupils benefit from a range of speakers including representatives from universities, apprenticeship providers and employers, study abroad organisations and gap year opportunities.

There is comprehensive support available to pupils as they consider their options for Post-18 studies. In Year 12, students partake in a 2-day Higher Education and Futures programme. Time is built into the programme for students to visit a university and hear first-hand how best to prepare for their upcoming applications. A Higher Education and Post-18 Options information evening for parents and carers also takes place annually. Pupils who are keen to apply to early entrant courses are given additional support to understand what they need to do, in order to submit a competitive application. 

Pupils are encouraged to think carefully about how work experience, summer schools or academic events/lectures can enhance their application to university or school leaver/apprenticeship programmes. Opportunities are promoted on a regular basis and Year 12 pupils are encouraged to access the virtual experiences available via Unifrog as well as other recommended platforms, including Springpod and Uptree. Additionally, parents and carers are informed of opportunities via the termly careers and opportunities bulletin to support pupils to engage with their career development.

In Year 13, pupils benefit from dedicated UCAS support and advice and guidance on alternative options. Mock interviews are available to help prepare pupils for university or job application processes. Sixth Formers are closely supported by the Head of Sixth Form, Head of Careers and the Sixth Form tutors to make realistic decisions, effective applications and positive transitions to life beyond school.

We measure the success of our careers programme through feedback from our students and destination data and speak with students about what they need to support them with their career planning. Please view our Careers Policy, Careers Entitlement Statement and handy Careers Education Journey Roadmap to discover more about our programme.

Professional careers advice

All students throughout the school are able to access one-to-one careers advice and guidance, with all students in KS4 receiving a guidance interview by invitation. Sixth Form pupils have access to an online booking system to schedule a careers meeting as and when required. The Head of Careers is qualified to Level 7 with a Post Graduate Certificate in Careers Guidance and is a member of the Career Development Institute (CDI). The Head of Careers is available to meet with parents/carers at Parents’ Evenings and Options Evenings from Year 9 – Year 13, or by appointment regarding opportunities for students and how best to support their children with their career planning.

Miss Rebecca Wills

Miss Rebecca Wills

Head of Careers
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Miss Rebecca Wills

Rebecca joined Lincoln Minster School in 2021, moving from the University of Lincoln’s Careers & Employability Team into her role with us as Head of Careers. A Languages graduate of Newcastle University, Rebecca started her career in the Higher Education sector and has a background in student recruitment and admissions, which proves highly valuable in her current role supporting Year 13s with UCAS applications. After moving into the area of careers and employability in 2015, Rebecca gained a Postgraduate Diploma in Career Development from NTU and is a fully qualified Careers Adviser. As a member of the CDI (Career Development Institute), trainee Assessor for the Quality in Careers Standard and Cluster Lead for careers staff in other United Learning Schools, Rebecca is an active advocate for careers education and aims to support all pupils to find their next best step through impartial advice and guidance and an engaging careers programme.

Industry Expert Speakers

We welcome a range of speakers to come and talk to our students about opportunities in FE, HE or Employment, therefore if you wish to make further enquiries about speaking with our students please contact Miss Rebecca Wills at 
or call 01522 551300.

Further Information

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Careers Days

  • Week of 4th November - Green Careers Week. Guest speaker talks from industry specialists Vanessa O'Brien (Senior Sustainability Officer Lincs CC and Lead for Plastic Free Lincoln) and Lee Sleight (CEO of Aggregates UK Ltd)
  • Tuesday 12th November - Year 12 and 13 trip to the National School Leaver Festival at the NEC
  • Wednesday 13th November - Year 11 and 12 visit to the Health and Care Careers Fair at the Engine Shed
  • Wednesday 13th November - Year 12 Business CTEC trip to the Department for Business and Trade in London
  • Tuesday 10th December - Year 9 AeroDiscover Maths and Physics careers in school workshops
  • Week of 10th February - National Apprenticeships Week
  • Tuesday 4th February - Year 9 Careers Day, including visit to the Careers in Agrifood event at Lincolnshire Showground
  • Week of 3rd March - National Careers Week, including an alumni panel event