Lincoln Minster School

Academic Life

Explore inspiring teaching

Our teachers are committed to offering the very best quality of teaching, learning and academic support. Small class sizes and setting in core subjects ensure that pupils are correctly supported and stretched according to their needs and ability. 

Keeping parents informed of their child's academic progress is important. We report to parents every half-term (once in the short Trinity term). In most cases, we utilise Attainment Reviews (containing data about Effort and Attainment). Additionally, we issue one written School Report a year and hold one Parents' Evening per year group (two for years 10 and 13).

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Guide Coming Soon

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Guide – Year 10 & Year 11

The Aspire Programme

The Aspire programme is designed to support our pupils in developing their academic skills and knowledge. 

Pupils on the programme will participate in off timetable activities twice a term to expand their knowledge and skill set. They will then put their new-found knowledge to the test through a competition or activity.

Recent trips and activities have included entering national debating competitions, visits to the British Library, live life drawing and attending the Lincolnshire Oxbridge Conference.

Parents won't need to apply for this. Instead, teachers will invite pupils directly to take part, notifying parents when they do so and explaining any expectations. 

Visit our Aspire Programme Webpage

Aspire runs alongside our Academic Scholars Programme.  

Bedrock Learning

In KS3, students are introduced to an online programme called Bedrock Learning. Through various interactive activities, our students are mastering new sophisticated vocabulary and enhancing their grammar skills every day.

As a student progresses through school, they need to be adding at least 3,000 new words to their vocabulary per year if they are to keep up with the increasingly challenging requirements of academic texts. If a student’s vocabulary is growing at a slower rate, they will find understanding school textbooks, academic resources and exam texts more and more difficult as they progress through school. Bedrock Learning equips our students with more advanced vocabulary and some specific disciplinary terminology that will enable them to be successful in their secondary school studies and beyond.

Students have successfully embraced Bedrock Learning and are now one of the top ten performing schools in England for vocabulary teaching and learning. We are proud of our students and of their determination and hard work to improve their reading fluency and comprehension.

Anchor to #

Core Subjects


At Lincoln Minster School, we provide a unique and inspiring environment for our pupils to pursue their passion for art. Our facilities include a well-equipped dedicated space for Art, graphic design suite, photography studio and a dark room. With guidance from skilled practitioners, taught mediums include fine art, graphic design, textiles, and photography.

We empower our pupils to take responsibility for, and to be excited about, their own learning through individual tutorials, extra-curricular activities, and study trips.

  • Large, dedicated space for Art, including a photography studio, dark room and graphic design suite.
  • Artwork produced by our pupils are proudly put on display around the school.
  • Artwork produced by our pupils is often displayed at dedicated galleries that parents and guests are invited to.

Computer Science

At Lincoln Minster School, our teaching in Computer Science equips pupils with the skills to develop digital products, understand how computer systems work, and create software. Our teaching emphasises the ability to use computing devices effectively and to recognise their limitations. Computer science is a creative subject where you can use your problem-solving skills to apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real world systems.

  • Comprehensive programme that equips pupils with the skills to develop digital products, understand computer systems, and create software.
  • Emphasis on using computing devices effectively and recognizing their limitations.
  • Hands-on learning opportunities for pupils to apply their skills in real-world contexts.


At Lincoln Minster School, we believe that every pupil should have the opportunity to experience the empowerment and confidence building that comes from working as a cast in a drama production. Our programme emphasises discipline and professionalism, which is excellent preparation for the world beyond school. We have a wide range of productions and students are also involved in set, lighting, and sound design and operation, promoting professional production values and inclusivity. 

  • Several pupils have gone on to study at the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts.
  • Pupils can perform in our purpose-built drama studio.
  • Parents are invited in to watch our drama pupils in action at our annual performances. 


At Lincoln Minster School, we offer a Design and Technology programme that encompasses a range of disciplines that enable pupils to develop their practical skills. A major focus is on Electronics, which is a subject that is used in all aspects of life. In our programme, pupils will learn about the origins of electronics and how it is used in a variety of devices and equipment.

  • A focus on hands-on learning.
  • Gain an understanding of issues with electronics and how to fix them.
  • Understand the history of electronics and how we achieved technological advancements.


English, here at Lincoln Minster School, aims to consolidate and extend pupils’ knowledge about language, develop and refine their literacy skills, and introduce them to a variety of literary texts. Pupils will develop accuracy in spelling, punctuation, and grammar, practice speaking and listening skills through activities such as debating and small group discussions and will be encouraged to write creatively and participate in creative writing competitions. 

  • Widen a pupils' knowledge and open a world of literacy and text.
  • Refine pupils’ English ability, be that grammar, speaking or listening.
  • Opportunity to see live theatrical performances linked to the pupil’s study.

Food Technology

Our Food Technology places a strong emphasis on practical work and by the end of their studies at our school, pupils will have developed a high level of practical skills. We take pride in the standard of work produced and are confident that our pupils will leave with a solid foundation in food technology.

  • An emphasis on practical work that pupils will carry on past their time with Lincoln Minster School.
  • Learn a wide range of dishes, from scones to risotto.
  • An understanding on why we cook and the key concepts.


At Lincoln Minster School, the Geography curriculum is designed to provide pupils with an in-depth understanding of the planet we live on. The course closely mirrors the revised national curriculum and covers a wide range of traditional and contemporary geographical issues and places. The course aims to tell a vivid, varied, and detailed story of the earth, providing pupils with a solid foundation in the subject. 

  • Our teaching expands on the standard national curriculum.
  • Pupils can gain a deep understanding of the Earth and how it is shaped.
  • Understand the current issues the Earth is facing and potential future problems.


History at Lincoln Minster School is designed to enthuse and inspire pupils through varied and exciting teaching approaches. We aim to give pupils a broad knowledge and understanding of key events in British, European, and world history. This provides them with the cultural literacy and vocabulary necessary to understand and participate in contemporary debates. Additionally, we focus on helping pupils acquire historical skills such as enquiry, analysis, evaluation, judgement, and communication, which are universally relevant.

  • Inspire pupils to understand what came before us by learning a wide range of topics, from British history to the history of the world.
  • Build on cultural literacy and vocabulary to participate in contemporary debates.
  • Develop transferable skills that carry on beyond their formal studies.


Pupils are divided into sets, based on their ability, in order to provide differentiated learning environments that best suit their needs. The placement of pupils in sets is reviewed regularly to ensure each child can achieve their maximum potential.

A growing number of our pupils have received certificates for their performance in the United Kingdom Mathematics Challenge. Their participation adds to their confidence, enjoyment and sense of achievement in maths.

The department philosophy is to actively communicate the importance of mathematics in the real world, as it underpins most of technology, financial planning, modelling, decision/risk analysis and the pure sciences. The laws of physics, at a fundamental level, are based on mathematical patterns, symmetries or representations, which can only be properly expressed in the language of mathematics. By communicating the value of mathematics in this way, pupils are encouraged to study this subject to a high level, and at the same time enjoy the challenge of searching for solutions. 

  • A focus and dedication towards learning where sets are reviewed regularly to ensure pupils are receiving personalised learning environments.
  • Opportunity to take part in the United Kingdom Mathematics Challenge.
  • Understanding the importance of mathematics in the real world and how it underpins most of technology and financial planning.

Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Language is centred on the belief that positive relationships are essential in life. Our goal is to inspire students to have a deep desire for communication with other cultures, countries, and communities and to make the world a smaller, more peaceful and open-minded place. We believe that languages are a life skill, not just a subject, and that it will open doors to opportunities never imagined. We aim to show students that despite our differences, we are all equal.

  • Allowing pupils to learn not just the language but the culture of a nation.
  • Explaining how a language can open a world of opportunities.
  • Allowing pupils to make a choice of the main language they wish to study.


Music at Lincoln Minster School is an integral part of the pupil experience. From the beginning of Year 7, pupils are immersed in performance through informal concerts for parents. Our programme offers a range of extra-curricular activities for musicians of all abilities. In lessons, pupils are encouraged to develop not only their musicianship but also key skills such as communication, problem-solving, self-awareness, teamwork, application of number, and aural awareness.

Those who choose to learn an instrument will be able to bring these skills to the course, as well as experience the immense personal satisfaction that playing an instrument brings. Pupils will develop their skills in composing and performing music and their ability to appraise both their own work and that of others, working in various genres and using various instruments including voice. They will also develop their ability to work co-operatively with others and be encouraged to view their work from the perspective of a professional composing musician. Our programme prepares pupils for the GCSE syllabus should they wish to continue with music after Key Stage 3.

  • Learn in our modern Harper building with dedicated practice rooms and recital hall.
  • A wide range of co-curricular activities that develop a pupil’s musical skills even further.
  • Participate in numerous concerts held throughout the year.

Physical Education

Our goal is to help pupils experience achievement, success, and enjoyment in their Physical Education activities. We aim to provide a safe environment for pupils to participate in, to promote health and fitness for current and future lifestyles, to familiarise pupils with the principles, knowledge, and vocabulary related to Physical Education and Sport, and to ensure pupils understand the short and long-term effects of exercise on the body and the benefits of exercise as part of a fit and healthy lifestyle.

We aim to develop pupils who can outwit opponents, make and apply decisions, make informed choices about a healthy active lifestyle, develop their physical and mental capacity and independently evaluate and improve their technical performance. Pupils will follow a programme which includes one quadruple games lesson and one double PE lesson, two ‘enrichment’ periods each week where pupils can choose from a range of sporting and non-sporting activities, and after-school clubs and training sessions throughout the year.

  • A wide range of co-curricular activities that are enjoyed before, during and after the school day.
  • Performance programmes for skilled individuals who want to take that next step in their sporting journeys.
  • Understanding the theory behind sports and building the mindset required to succeed not only in sport but everywhere.

Religious Studies

The aim of the syllabus is to enable pupils to acquire the skills of religious knowledge, understanding, and evaluation. Pupils will learn about the beliefs, practices, and attitudes of Christianity and other major world religions. The syllabus is designed to assist pupils in acquiring skills of analysis and insight related to the components of the syllabus and to encourage personal reflection on their own attitudes, beliefs, and practices. It's important that the main world religions are studied with respect and understanding throughout the curriculum.

Some of the key areas studied are authority, celebration, religious belief, lifestyle, and practices. Topics studied include the beliefs, teachings, lifestyle, and practices of the main world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism), human rights, religion, law, and social justice, pilgrimage, festivals, philosophical questions, the Holocaust, spiritual and moral development, and social and cultural development. Religious Studies at Lincoln Minster School aims to broaden pupils' perspectives and encourage deeper thought. Consequently, pupils are introduced to the distinctive historical, artistic, and cultural achievements of differing faiths through visits, videos, and speakers.

  • Build an understanding and respect for cultures and their religious beliefs.
  • Numerous trips and visit opportunities to further strengthen knowledge.
  • Learn a wide range of beliefs and cultures, from Christianity to Sikhism.


We aim to help pupils develop a deep understanding of scientific concepts and processes. We aim to foster curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in our pupils. Our curriculum is designed to cover the key concepts in biology, chemistry, and physics and is designed to be challenging, engaging, and accessible for all pupils. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their scientific skills and knowledge through a variety of practical and investigative activities.

  • Expand and inspire a pupil’s mind through practical experiments and a deep understanding of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Modern rooms and labs dedicated to science, which allows pupils to learn and study safely.
  • A curriculum that focuses on challenging and engaging with pupils.


At Lincoln Minster School, our Textile Design curriculum is designed to be challenging and engaging for students. We use the work of famous artists as inspiration for our projects, and students learn a variety of practical techniques such as fabric painting, printing, stencilling, hand and machine stitching, plus embellishment and fabric manipulation. Students learn to use templates, design on paper, and translate their designs and ideas onto fabric. They also develop their skills on the sewing machine with free-motion stitching. Students are also encouraged to use computer-based design programmes as well. The curriculum is progressive, and students build on their skills and knowledge as they move through the years. The curriculum is engineered to push students' creativity, teach them how to problem-solve and experiment with a variety of materials and media. 2d and 3d Textile work produced by students is displayed around the school and in dedicated exhibition spaces. It is a dynamic, fun and expressive subject. 

We aim to:

Create a happy learning environment...

We aim to:

Create a happy learning environment where every pupil can make the most of their ability and develop the courage to try new things.

Foster in pupils the application of effort...

We aim to:

Foster in pupils the application of effort, a genuine interest in their work, the ability to be independent and to be self-motivated.

Provide a broad and balanced curriculum...

We aim to:

Provide a broad and balanced curriculum where the pupils are given a breadth of knowledge, skills and understanding which extend beyond current norms and challenge expectations.

Ensure that a variety of skills are taught...

We aim to:

Ensure that a variety of skills are taught so that every pupil has the opportunity to discover and nurture their own talents, both academic and non-academic, fostering in them a true love of learning.

Take different abilities into account...

We aim to:

Take different abilities into account, whereby positive teaching methods and expectations are adapted to meet and exceed the academic needs of every individual.

Ensure equal opportunities in the classroom...

We aim to:

Ensure equal opportunities in the classroom in relation to gender, race, class, special educational needs and beliefs.

Ensure a standard of excellence of teaching...

We aim to:

Ensure a standard of excellence of teaching throughout the school through the recruitment and professional development of highly qualified teachers who are conscientious, hardworking and compassionate.

Encourage teachers to look upon change...

We aim to:

Encourage teachers to look upon change as an integral part of everyday life in school, and to further this through formal staff development which closely matches the needs of the strategic priorities of the school and the individual teacher.

Book on to an Open Morning

Our next Preparatory and Senior School Open Mornings will take place on October 3rd and 4th 2024, 9:00 - 12:00 (respectively).
Book your place via the links below.