Lincoln Minster School


What is PSHE?

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is an important part of our curriculum. Within these lessons pupils will cover topics on health and wellbeing, careers, relationships, living in the wider world and celebrating differences. A team of trained staff deliver these lessons every week and are often supported by visiting speakers. 

What is RSE?

Relationship and sex education (RSE) is the process of lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about the importance of family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is about the teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health. You can find out more in our RSE Guide for Parents.

What does RSE mean to Lincoln Minster School?

Our RSE provision will give students the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate ones. It will enable them to know what a healthy relationship looks like and what makes a good friend.

It will teach what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in a relationship, including how to construct an intimate relationship positively. It will teach students to understand human sexuality and to respect themselves and others.

As a school we believe that knowledge about safer sex and sexual health is important to ensure that young people are equipped to make safe, informed and healthy choices as they progress through their adult life. 

This should be delivered in a non-judgemental, factual way to allow scope for students to ask questions in a safe environment.

What makes good quality RSE?

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How is it delivered?

The RSE curriculum is delivered through a combination of our timetabled PSHE lessons and within form times. There are also opportunities for our students to receive lessons from external specialists in the form of drop down days. A list of topics covered, split by year group, can be found here.

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Charlotte Brigden

Charlotte Brigden

Deputy Head: Pastoral & Head of Boarding

Charlotte is Deputy Head Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead. Read her full bio, below.

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Charlotte Brigden

Charlotte is Deputy Head Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead. She joined LMS in September 2023 from Haileybury College in Hertfordshire. Charlotte is passionate about all things pastoral, in particular boarding. She holds an MA in Education from the University of Exeter and is currently studying for a Doctorate of Education at Nottingham University. Charlotte works with the Heads of Key Stage and Tutors to support the pastoral development of all students at LMS. Alongside all things pastoral Charlotte also teaches Geography, coaches sailing and helps with the running of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. 

Year 7

Year 7

Delivered by the Head of PD as part of the timetable (50 minutes)

PSHE focussed challenges on Monday deliver by the form tutor

Year 8

Year 8

Delivered by the Head of PD as part of the timetable (50 minutes)

PSHE focussed challenges on Monday deliver by the form tutor

Year 9

Year 9

Delivered by the Head of PD as part of the timetable (50 minutes)

PSHE focussed challenges on Monday deliver by the form tutor

Year 10

Year 10

Delivered by the Head of PD and trained teachers as part of the timetable (50 minutes)


Year 11

Year 11

Delivered by the Head of PD and trained teachers as part of the timetable (50 minutes)


Year 12/13

Year 12/13

Careers delivered by the Head of Careers – Monday (30 minutes)

RSE delivered by form tutors – Tuesday (30 minutes)


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Why parents are so important

Parents are a very important influence on their child’s decisions about relationships and sex. When parents communicate frequently and openly, teenage children feel closer to them and are more able to discuss what matters to them.

By regularly talking about RSE topics at home you will help to take away some of the stigma by making it part of the everyday. You will also help your child understand the differences between what they may see online versus what they experience in real life.

All parents and/or guardians of Senior pupils were invited to a Parent Consultation Evening. The recording from the evening can be viewed here.

All our policies, including PSHE and Anti-Bullying, can be found here.

Our top tips on how to talk to your teen about relationships and sex:

1. Start early and often

Being open to discussing relationships and sex early in your teen’s life will help them feel more comfortable talking to you and asking questions when they’re older. Having regular conversations also sends the message that these topics are important enough to talk about regularly and are a normal part of life.

2. Listen without interrupting

Listening to your teen is key in helping them become comfortable with talking and opening up to you. Encourage them to talk by asking lots of questions. If they start the conversation with a question, get them to share with you what they already know about the topic before giving them an answer. This will help you assess their scope of understanding and give you chance to find out more about what they know before you share your knowledge.

3. It’s okay to feel embarrassed or awkward

Everyone’s comfort level is different when it comes to discussing relationships and sex. Try not to let embarrassment or awkwardness discourage you or your teen from having these conversations. It is likely that your teen will be very grateful to you for taking the initiative to talk about it and let them ask questions – so long as you don’t make it about them!

4. Try to be positive without judgement

You want your child to be able to talk to you about anything so it’s important that you do not invalidate them, their feelings and their experiences but approach the conversation ready to listen. Try not to say anything that might close down the channels of conversation now or in the future and try not to focus only on the dangers and negative consequences of relationships and sex; it's important you recognise all the positive aspects and feelings too.

5. Don’t make assumptions

Don’t assume that just because your teen has asked you a question about relationships or sex, that they’re actually in one or actively participating. Plenty of teens may ask questions about these topics because they are curious or they’ve come across something online or through a friend. If your teen asks you a question, provide them with an answer, if you don’t have one, be truthful. This helps create trust between you and them and will make it easier for them to turn to you for help when they’re older.

6. Use prompts to get the conversation started

If you’re struggling to get the conversation started, television shows, movies, websites, books and magazines can be a springboard for educating them about relationships or sex without the difficulty of initiating a conversation that seems targeted specifically at them. For example, if dating, LGBTQIA+ issues, love or sex come up on a TV show or in a movie that you are watching together, it can prompt a discussion. Questions like, ‘what would you do if someone you were dating acted like that character in this TV show’ can help trigger useful conversations where you learn how they feel without making it about them.

7. Make it about values

There are a lot of places your teen can go to find out about relationships and sex – school, books, internet and friends. What’s important is that you help your teen learn positive and healthy values around these topics – such as how to treat others kindly and respectfully. Without this guidance, young people can learn from sources with unrealistic depictions of relationships and sex. 

8. Don’t always make it about them

Your teen might fight it easier to talk about relationships and sex when it’s in the third person. Stories about friends, family members or examples you come across on the TV or in the news are all good ways to get your teen speaking. Questions such as ‘what do you think that person should have done?’, ‘what could they have done differently?’ and ‘what pressures might they have felt?’ can help get your teen talking freely about potentially difficult topics. This is because it shifts the focus from your teen to imaginary characters, making it much easier for them to express opinions without feeling it’s personal and about them.

9. It’s okay not to have all the answers

It’s ok to tell your teen that you don’t know the answer to something. Either tell them that you’ll get back to them after you’ve done a bit of research or use it as an opportunity to do the research together.

Pastoral Care

"Lincoln Minster School is both caring and considerate. With amazing pastoral care and an incredible teaching team, I always feel included as a parent."
- Parent 

What is self esteem and self worth?

This video describes the concepts of self esteem and self worth, highlighting the differences between them. 

Video by Cre8tive Resources.

What is self esteem and self worth?
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Equality and Diversity - 9 protected characteristics

This video explains the 9 protected characteristics. 

Video by Cre8tive Resources.

Equality and Diversity - 9 protected characteristics
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Meet the team

All PSHE and RSE activities at Lincoln Minster School are managed by our Head of Personal Development, Mr Sam Palmer. Additionally, pupils are supported by Mrs Charlotte Brigden, Deputy Head: Pastoral, Form Tutors and dedicated Heads of Year. The following is a list of relevant key members of staff.

Mrs Charlotte Brigden

Deputy Head: Pastoral and Head of Boarding

Charlotte joined Lincoln Minster School in 2023 from Haileybury College. She has experience as a Senior Girls House Mistress and Designated Safeguarding Lead as well as teaching Geography, coaching sailing and leading the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. Charlotte is passionate about education and is currently studying for a Doctorate of Education at Nottingham University. 

Mr Sam Palmer

Director of Music and Head of Personal Development

Mr Sam Palmer is Head of Personal Development and manages the delivery of all PSHE and RSE activities. Additionally, Sam is also Director of Music.

Miss Rebecca Wills

Head of Careers

Miss Rebecca Wills manages our entire careers centre and careers programme

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