Lincoln Minster School

A-Level French

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French combines well with any group of subjects at AS and A-Level. It enjoys considerable prestige on university applications for the communication and analytical skills the subject demands. By the end of the course, you will be able to discuss a range of topics such as immigration, homelessness and crime as well as fashion, art and cinema.

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Course Content and Methodology

Core Content:

  • Social Issues and Trends
  • Political and Artistic Culture
  • Grammar


  • We use authentic texts on contemporary issues which we use to discuss, debate, argue, summarize, and translate.
  • We listen to authentic audio material such as Kerboodle sound files and live news items to broaden our range of vocabulary and strengthen our listening skills.
  • We do grammar exercises regularly to master the rules and structures and then practise these independently in our speaking and writing.
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Exam Board: AQA French A-Level 7652

Paper 1: Listening, reading and writing

Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends; Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues; Artistic culture in the French-speaking world; Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world; Grammar

Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

100 marks - 50% of A-Level

Paper 2: Writing

One text and one film or two texts from the list set in the specification.

Written exam: 2 hours

80 marks - 20% of A-Level

Paper 3: Speaking

Individual research project – presentation and then discussion. One of four sub-themes i.e Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends, Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues, Artistic culture in the French-speaking world, Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world. This is assessed through a picture/information text.

Oral exam: 21 - 23 minutes (including 5 minutes prep time).

60 marks - 30% of A-Level

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Meet Our Alumni

Our students go on to many exciting destinations all over the world and work in a wide range of careers. Our alumni includes Netflix actors, olympians, racecar drivers, musicians, business leaders and much more. 

Course Requirements

At least a grade 6 at GCSE.

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Aspire Programme

The Aspire Programme is dedicated to providing exciting and challenging academic opportunities for our students.
These opportunities will be focused on extending knowledge and understanding, providing stimulating and demanding academic challenges, and, ultimately, inspiring students to apply for the most competitive courses at the most prestigious institutions. 


Our Sixth Form students have access to their own Common Room, Resources Centre and Silent Study Suite, where they socialise and relax, find books or speak to our Careers team, and complete their studies in peace (respectively).

As part of their studies, students may also have access to the dedicated art, photography and graphic design studio, purpose-built Recital Hall for musical performances, fully-equipped drama studio as well as indoor and outdoor sporting facilities.